Date—May 21, 2022
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1. In recent years, in Russia, the authorities have often liked to show “apologies on camera”, forcing their opponents to read a text in front of the camera that they were wrong with assessments or words, and then spreading such videos on social networks. At first, this was considered a characteristic feature of Chechnya and the Caucasian regions: those who inadvertently spoke out against Kadyrov after some time “apologized” in front of the camera. Now, these practices have come to the occupied territories of Ukraine. Here, for example, is a video from a pro-Russian Telegram channel: in the recording, a woman says that she went through a “denazification course” and apologizes for calling Russian soldiers “orcs.” Under what circumstances, this video was filmed and whether this woman speaks voluntarily is unknown. However, from the prevailing Russian practice, it can be assumed that this video was preceded by conversations, threats, and, possibly, other methods of influence. (Source: CT).
1. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that it had taken control of the territory of the Azovstal plant. On May 20, the last group of military personnel, which included 531 people, surrendered. In just a few days, 2,439 soldiers left the factory. Among the soldiers who surrendered is Azov commander Denis Prokopenko. He was taken out of the plant in a special armored car. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the military at the plant “received an order that they have every right to go out and save their lives.” According to Zelensky, he negotiated the withdrawal of the military “with Turkey, Switzerland, Israel, France because of the relationship of their leaders with the Russian Federation.” (Source: Meduza).
2. ISW: Russian troops have probably moved slightly north, west, and south of Popasna to continue their advance towards Severodonetsk from the south. Experts believe that Russia will continue its attempts to encircle Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Russian sources may exaggerate the number of Ukrainian soldiers who left Azovstal to negotiate the exchange of the maximum number of prisoners later or to avoid the unpleasant admission that only “hundreds” of Ukrainian soldiers managed to keep the plant under control for so long. There are reports that Russian troops have regained some of the ground lost in the Ukrainian counter-offensive north of Kharkiv. But experts believe that the Russian military will soon complete their retreat from Kharkiv. Russian forces appear to be preparing for a major Ukrainian military counteroffensive and a protracted conflict in the south. (Source: Telegram).
3. In the evening summary, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that Russian troops are building a pontoon crossing across the Seversky Donets River near the village of Yaremovka, south of Izyum. Previous attempts to cross the Seversky Donets last week near the village of Belogorovka resulted in serious losses among the Russian forces. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine say that they noticed the movement of 130 units of Russian equipment in Chernobaevka, near Kherson. There, the Russian military repeatedly fell under the blows of Ukrainian artillery. (Source: Telegram).
1. UK Intelligence: the number of Ukrainian military from Azovstal who surrendered is 1.7 thousand people. How many still remain on the territory of the enterprise is unknown. Once Russia has established full control over Mariupol, it will move troops from the city to reinforce its operation in the Donbas. However, Russian troops after Mariupol need to be re-equipped and regrouped. If this process is carried out according to all the rules, it can belong. But the Russian military command is under pressure to demonstrate clear progress in fulfilling the assigned tasks. This means that forces will be thrown into battle very quickly, without proper preparation, and this increases the risk of further grinding. (Source: CT).
Economy, Social life, and Culture
1. In Ukraine, the assets of Russian and Belarusian owners were arrested in the amount of $900 million, Vadim Melnyk, head of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, said. He stressed that “this is just the beginning.” One of the Bureau of Economic Security priorities is the investigation of crimes “in which the assets of the aggressor country are involved,” Melnik added. (Source: Meduza).
2. Dorit Nitzan, Regional Director for Emergency Situations of the World Health Organization, announced preparations to combat cholera outbreaks in Mariupol. In the city, captured by Russian troops, the infrastructure is destroyed and unsanitary conditions reign. (Source: BBC).
Invasion Damage
1. “In the Kyiv region, they reported the operation of an air defense system, in Zhytomyr region at least two explosions – rockets hit the area of the city of Malin. Russian troops again began to shell Kharkiv, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population. In the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian troops are conducting counterattacks and going on the offensive, yesterday it was reported that 23 settlements had been liberated in two weeks. The most fierce battles, according to the Ukrainian General Staff, are taking place in the Donbas: there the Russian army is concentrating on the Donetsk direction, storming and trying to launch a counteroffensive, hitting with aircraft, mortars, and artillery. shelled more than 50 settlements in Donetsk and Lugansk regions. In the Lugansk region, about 60 houses were damaged or completely destroyed. The head of the region says that entire streets often burn out, in some settlements it is not yet possible to assess the extent of destruction due to constant shelling. According to preliminary data, only for the last day in the Luhansk region and 13 civilians were killed and dozens more wounded.” (Source: Twitter).
2. The bombardment of Azovstal threatens to leak a concentrated solution of hydrogen sulfide into the Sea of Azov: Russian shelling could damage the technical facilities of the plant, which held back tens of thousands of tons of concentrated hydrogen sulfide. A leak of such a liquid can kill all the flora and fauna of the Sea of Azov, and then dangerous substances can enter the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The mayor of the city, Vadim Boychenko, called for the immediate admission of international experts and UN representatives to the plant to study the situation. (Source: CT).
Foreign news
1. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky suggested that partner countries conclude a multilateral agreement on the seizure of Russian assets abroad in favor of Ukraine. “We offer partner states to sign a multilateral agreement and create a mechanism through which every victim of the actions of the Russian army will be able to receive compensation for their losses,” Zelensky said. As part of this agreement, he says, Russia’s funds and property in other countries should be seized or frozen, and then confiscated and sent to a special fund to pay compensation to “all victims of Russian aggression.” “It will definitely be fair. And Russia will feel the real weight of every rocket, every bomb, and every projectile that it fired at us,” Zelensky concluded. (Source: Meduza).
2. The first case of monkeypox was confirmed in Australia. According to doctors, a 40-year-old resident of New South Wales, who returned from Europe the day before, fell ill. The virus was also first identified in Canada. The government reported two cases from the province of Quebec. They returned from a trip to the USA. Earlier outbreaks of monkeypox were recorded in Spain and Portugal. Prior to this, several cases of a viral infection, which is rare in Europe, were found in the UK. Those infected in Italy, Sweden, and the USA know about it. Monkeypox is a rare viral infection. It is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. The incubation period lasts from 6 to 16 days, sometimes up to 21 days. The infected person develops a rash that can be painful. Usually, the disease is mild and goes away on its own in two to three weeks. The mortality rate for monkeypox outbreaks is between one and 10 percent. Most deaths occur in younger age groups. There is no specific treatment or vaccine for the disease. It is believed that vaccination against smallpox provides prophylaxis against monkeypox. The disease was first identified in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Source: Svoboda).
3. The half-naked activist stepped on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. She staged a protest against the rape of Ukrainian women by the Russian occupiers. The woman had “STOP RAPING US” written on her body and a Ukrainian flag on her chest. (Source: UP).